Saturday, February 7, 2015

Here I go!

Well, I've decided to start a blog. I'm not into social media but I do love talking about things that I am passionate about. My life pretty much revolves around 2 things and that is family and riding my bike(s). Particularly single speed bikes. Both road and off-road. It's hard to explain what draws me to single speeds but I absolutely love riding them. I like the fact that you have to take what that one gear and the terrain gives you. The hill gets steeper? There is no shifting into an easier gear. You have to plan/strategize for that steeper section both mentally and physically. The option to sit back and spin doesn't exist, you can only go on the attack "or" give up and walk. I could go on forever but I'm just going to stop here.

Anyhow, whether this thing gets seen by anyone or not, I'm going to be posting here often about my rides/races and other happenings in life.

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