Saturday, February 7, 2015

Legs Cooked!

I planned on riding really hard off-road today for around 4hrs on my Spacialized Crave SL with 32x20 gearing. However, right out of the gate I could still feel the fatigue from the intervals I did earlier in the week. I was pretty cooked a little over 1hr into the ride but decided to keep hammering. This coming week is after all a rest week so I figure I should be fine carrying some extra fatigue into it. I ended up putting in over 3 hard hours and kept pushing hard on the climbs. I Strava most of my rides and was surprised/happy to see that I captured the KOM on a tough/technical climb! Knowing that I wasn't going 100% on the climb is an added mental boost as well!

I guess that's about it for today. Not much exciting planned riding wise for the week with it being a rest week and all. Hopefully I'll come out the other end of it refreshed, stronger and lighter.

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